Sunday, June 7, 2009

Designed in rows

The Royal Crescent in Bath, England

I love rows of things, the rhythm is soothing and I enjoy certain repetitions, especially with variations of different patterns or colors, there is an order to otherwise unstructured pieces, be it books or houses, columns or trees, fabrics or...
Rows of stone walls create patterns in a landscape. I love the terraced rice fields in Vietnam. I have often admired the long into the horizon fleeting rows of large poplar trees in my Saxony home country in Germany. They were bend by the winds. When I travelled the first time to Italy, old Roman temples with their incredible columns fascinated me as much as the high stretched cathedrals from Gothic times. I think, apart from the structural sense of rows to support, it is simply a very human way of managing space, of sorting and organizing. Patterns create order in an otherwise chaotic world. There is harmony in designed rows.

Old allee street in Mecklenburg, Germany

Reims Cathedral

Ithaca library

Tulip fields in Holland

Colonnade Row in New York

Lavender fields, France

Temple of Ceres, Paestum, Italy

Pictures via flickr (trees), National Geographic (lavender fields), Bath, England website, Wallpaper book, Ithaca library, my own...


  1. I adore those teacups.... SO incredibly stylish!!!

  2. I think the tulip fields are my favorite. Seeing them from the air is amazing!

    Tricia - Avolli

  3. One of my best memories was boating through the tulip fields in Holland. It was like sailing through a rainbow!

  4. The trees with the wildflowers I liked the most! Cool post about rows! thanks for your comments on my header (it only cost $45) Lemon Cherry Blogs, she is amazing!


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